Miso Orange Date Dressing Indulge your taste buds in a symphony of flavors with this tantalizing Miso Orange Date Dressing recipe by...
Tahini Date Shake Add this to your list of favorite date syrup recipes, because Tahini Date Shakes are game-changing. Tahini and dates are...
Date-Sweetened Vegan No-Churn Mocha Chip Ice Cream Now here's a dessert worth running to the kitchen for. This dreamy no-churn mocha chip ice cream was developed...
Golden Milk Refreshing in the summer and warming in the winter, golden milk is the perfect year-round drink. Golden milk is a...
Vegan No-Bakes These vegan no-bake cookies are close enough to the original classic to tantalize even the most hard-to-please youngster. Vegan and...
Mint Chocolate Latte Nothing like a warm mint chocolate latte to warm you up and get you in the holiday spirit! We...
Vegan Pecan Pie Whether you're on a vegan diet or looking to cut the processed sugars, this pecan pie is an absolute...
Date Sweetened Coleslaw We recommend using this crisp and tangy slaw alongside date onion jam on a BBQ Pork or Jackfruit slider.
Glazed and roasted carrots Date Syrup is excellent on roasted vegetables such as carrots, Brussels sprouts and asparagus, give this recipe a try...
Matcha Latte This matcha latte recipe from the Healthy Home Economist is enjoyably sweet and creamy without any sugar and can...
Chia Seed Pudding Chia seeds are not just for fuzzy chia pets. Did you know these little seeds are filled with plenty...
Pumpkin Spice Latte It's always Pumpkin Spice Latte season in our eyes. Give this recipe a try as a healthier (and tastier!)...