Customer Testimonials
Why do customers love Date Lady? 90% of our customers report using our products for the added health benefits. Take a moment to read about their experiences after using our products.

Eryn S. used our products when she switched to a WFPB diet.
I'm pretty athletic, and I started finding myself supplementing with protein, creatine, BCAAs, preworkout powders, so many products that contained refined and artificial sweeteners. In addition, I was using artificial sweeteners in my coffee and everywhere else. I was finding myself absolutely insatiable towards mid-day. I got shaky and weak, and would eat until full and I just felt crazy because I still craved more
After taking a tally on how much refined sugar I consumed on a daily basis, I did a lot of research and realized refined sugar, protein, and calorie-less sweeteners All increase insulin and dysregulate sugar. Increased insulin results in severe drops in sugar, explaining my shakiness and unjustified hunger. What DOESN'T spike your insulin? Natural sugars still associated with their fibers. Like dates. They are the perfect natural sweetener.
This triggered my switched to (primarily) a WFPB diet 2 years ago. I got rid of all processed junk and refined sugar from my house. Along with this change came a feeling of a stability. I no longer get weak and shaky during intense workouts, hikes, or just at 3PM the day after leg day.
I've replaced all my granulated sugar with Date Lady date sugar in cooking and baking, on cereals, oatmeal, or fruit. I replaced the stevia in my daily soy lattes with Date Lady date syrup. I just bought the sweet chili sauce and I can't wait to try that and the BBQ. ( We'll be patiently waiting on a teryaki sauce 😉)
Do I think date sugar solved all of my problems? Probably not, but I have no doubt it contributed to healthier blood sugar regulation and my mindset and relationship with food. Also it makes my WFPB diet wonderfully tasty.

Maddy uses our products to manager her type 2 diabetes.
As for managing type 2, when I saw that the American Diabetes Association actually recommends dates for us, I started to add them to my low fat protein meals. Since I want to avoid DKA or any sort of ketosis, and I don't take meds, I need a balance of low fat protein, fiber and slow release carbs. Enter dates! So I often finish a meal with 5-7 of these delicious beauties. So it gives me fiber, minerals, vitamins, slow release carbs and satisfies that sweets craving.
Have you seen the recent findings about our long history with carbs? We've actually been eating them, via roots and tubers, for over 800,000 years at least!
As a student of biology, nutrition and health for over 30 years, this tracks with my own experience and hypotheses. So much for the keto and carnivore (or paleo) idea that we've only relied on carbs for 100,000 years, tops. Now they even believe our brains grew rapidly in size thanks to carbs, so take that carb and fruit-phobia, lol!

Lisa S. and her husband use date syrup and date sugar for the nutritional benefits!
My husband LOST WIEGHT ( 12 lbs) in 1 month , NO DIETING , simply switched from RAW NATURAL SUGAR to DATE LADY( needless to say I hate him) he uses it in his coffee, oatmeal , smoothies, he has a serious sweet tooth , so I’m just glad DATE SYRUP IS NUTRITIONAL! I’ve also bought the date sugar for holiday baking.
With holidays coming up I hoping for some really good recipes , I refuse to use UNNATURAL TOXIC INGREDIENTS and though I was comfortable using sugar in the raw simply because it’s natural and easier on your liver to metabolize VS refined sugar, I was THRILLED to try the date syrup due to the addition of NUTRIENTS.
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