Date Fruit and Diets: How This Natural Sweetener Fits Keto, Paleo, Vegan & More

Eating healthy looks different for everyone, and with so many dietary lifestyles out there, it’s important to find foods that work for your needs. Whether you’re focused on reducing inflammation, following a gluten-free plan, embracing the Mediterranean diet, or anything in between, whole, natural foods are always a great choice. Enter dates—nature’s candy, packed with fiber, antioxidants, and essential minerals. In this article, we’ll explore how dates fit seamlessly into various diets, offering a naturally sweet and nutritious option no matter your eating style.   Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Dates There isn’t really an exact plan for an anti-inflammatory diet, as...

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Is Date Sugar Good for Diabetics?

Written by: Danielle Collins If you’re here for a quick answer to this question, we’re afraid it’s not quite so straightforward. The answer is — it depends on your dietary needs! Date sugar has a lower glycemic index and glycemic load than white sugar, AND it even has nutrients like potassium, calcium and magnesium making it a more nutritious option than white sugar (which has 0 nutritional value.) Read on to learn more about date sugar and whether or not it’s right for your dietary needs! What is diabetes anyway? Check out this article for a full overview of diabetes.Caring...

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Why are our fruitcakes so expensive?

Why are our fruitcakes so expensive?   Every year, we pour our hearts into making this holiday favorite, and we’re so grateful it’s become a tradition for so many of you. We also know the price  (and increased price this year because of rising costs), might give one sticker shock. So let us explain. We use organic pineapple, apricots, sultanas and citrus in our cake, as well as beautiful organic Barhi dates from California and organic pecans from Missouri. We don’t use corn syrup in our product, which let’s be honest, makes a much less expensive cake. We use a high-quality...

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Date Syrup Vs. Agave: Which Sweetener is Right for You?

When choosing a natural sweetener, agave and date syrup are two popular choices, each with unique origins and nutritional profiles. If you're looking for a healthier alternative to refined sugar, this comparison will help you understand which option might best suit your taste buds and dietary needs.   Origins and Traditions of Agave and Date Syrup Both agave and dates have rich histories that span across ancient civilizations. From the volcanic landscapes of Mesoamerica to the fertile oases of Mesopotamia, the plants they originate from have been deeply intertwined with the cultures, beliefs and daily lives of the people who...

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Dates and the Glycemic Index: Is Date Syrup Low Glycemic?

Carbohydrates, which include sugars and fiber, play a crucial role in our health.   Carbohydrates are the body's primary and preferred source of energy. But, when we consume more than we need, over time, it can lead to metabolic disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and more.   One thing that's crucial to understand is that not all carbohydrate sources are the same. Some contain more sugars than others and should be consumed in greater moderation.   The scale that is used to measure how quickly food raises blood sugar levels after it's eaten is called the...

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(Your New Favorite) Date Ball Recipes

Whether you're looking for a quick snack, a naturally sweet treat, or an energy boost, these date ball recipes have you covered. Packed with nutrient-rich ingredients, these little bites of goodness are super easy to make, customizable to your taste, and make a perfect snack. Give them a try and let us know what you think!   10 Minute Truffles These delicious truffles take 10 minutes or less to create and can be made with any of your favorite toppings. We highly recommend pouring melted chocolate on your truffles and popping them in the freezer for about 15 minutes for a nice...

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