Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits: Why Kids Should Give Dates a Try

Image source: VD Photography Article written by: Katie Pierce A balanced diet supports optimal growth and development in children. It provides a comprehensive array of essential nutrients that function as the building blocks for a healthy body and mind.  However, encouraging children to adopt healthy eating habits can be challenging. For example, some children exhibit neophobia, a fear of trying new foods. This can make them hesitant to incorporate unfamiliar healthy options into their diet (1). Their developing taste buds may also make sugary treats more appealing than fruits and vegetables. This is where introducing them to dates can be a...

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Date Sugar vs. White Sugar

Date Sugar vs White Sugar Which sweetener comes to mind when thinking about making a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies? What about sweetening your coffee at your local diner? White sugar. It's been around for centuries and has become a common household sweetener, however sugar substitutes have become a recent trend in the market with people seeking out a more nutrient-rich option than white sugar. This brings us to date sugar. What is it and how does it compare to white sugar? Let's talk about it.  What is date sugar? Date sugar is made from dried, crushed pitted dates. It retains the...

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5 Date-Sweetened Cookie Recipes

Indulging in your favorite cookies doesn't have to mean sacrificing nutrition, and these recipes are here to prove it. By sweetening cookies with products like date syrup, date sugar or date paste, we're infusing them with a rich, caramel-like sweetness while adding a dose of extra nutritional goodness. Dates are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, making them a great white sugar substitute. Treat yourself to a healthier indulgence with these 5 date-sweetened cookie recipes. (And let us know which one is your favorite!) Bonanza Cookies These cookies are just the right texture, not too crunchy, not too soft, and filled with a bonanza...

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Date Syrup vs Honey

Date Syrup vs Honey: A Nutritional Face-Off When it comes to choosing natural sweeteners, date syrup and honey are often at the top of the list. These alternatives to plain white sugar not only offer sweetness but also come with potential health benefits. But how do they stack up against each other in terms of nutrition and use? Let's talk about it. Introduction to Natural Sweeteners: Date Syrup and Honey In recent years, natural sweeteners have surged in popularity as people look for healthier options to satisfy their sweet tooth. Date syrup and honey stand out as two excellent choices in this category, as...

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What is Date Paste?

What is date paste? What do you use date paste for and why should you use it? Hang tight, we have answers! Your new favorite secret ingredient is about to be explained. Natural Sweetener Explained: What is Date Paste? Date paste in its purest form is just one ingredient: puréed dates. You can put it in almost anything, either in place of sweeteners or to give recipes an enhanced flavor. Date paste will also have all the benefits of regular dates, and because of that it is desirable in itself even when there is no need to replace something. It can be...

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Date Syrup vs Maple Syrup

Ready to add a dash of natural sweetness to your life? Date syrup and maple syrup are two popular options in the world of alternative sweeteners. But how do they compare? Both are great options, but is there one that works better for you? Let's talk about it.    The Story Behind the Sweetness: Origins and Production Processes Let's kick things off with a bit of history. Maple syrup's roots trace back to North American Indigenous peoples, who discovered the liquid gold flowing from maple trees (1). Date syrup, on the other hand, has its origins in the Middle East...

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