Can Date Syrup Be Given to Babies?

Are Dates Good for Babies? With the nutrients found in dates, they are a great option to consider giving your child at the recommended age for them to start more solid foods—usually around 6 months (5, 6). There are several different ways you can incorporate them into your child’s diet, from dates themselves as a snack, to substituting dates or date sugar for processed sugar in recipes. There are so many ways to add them in and gain those nutritional benefits dates have to offer, you’re bound to find something that fits your needs and plans for your family. An...

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Dates, Diabetes, and the Glycemic Index (Everything You Need to Know)

The Glycemic Index (GI) and Dates Is date syrup good for diabetics? What is the glycemic index of dates?  The answers to these types of questions aren’t as easy as a simple yes or no. Buckle up, although we can’t give you medical advice, we’ll do our best to wade through some of the facts on GI, diabetes, and dates. Often, only the glycemic index (GI) is taken into consideration for how healthy a food is for someone with diabetes, but that only gives a part of the picture and impact on the body. The GI of a food indicates...

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Date Paste 101: What is it and why should I be eating it?

Date Paste 101 What is date paste? Date paste in its purest form is just one ingredient: puréed dates. But what do you use it for and why do you use it? The quick answer is that you can put it in almost anything, either in place of sweeteners or to give recipes an enhanced flavor. Date paste will also have all the benefits of regular dates, and because of that it is desirable in itself even when there is no need to replace something. It can be spread over toast, used to thicken and sweeten smoothies, or eaten plain. Date...

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Everything You Wanted To Know About Date Syrup

All About Date Syrup Date syrup contains only one ingredient: organic dates. But how is date syrup made? We're here with a little more information for those of you with inquiring minds. You know who you are. It's understandable. Just 8 years ago when we introduced Date Lady Date Syrup to the US market, people were very skeptical about this strange concept. Does it taste good?  What is a Date? A date is a prune, right? (We aren't joking - that was a common question!) Americans have always had a love-or-hate relationship with dates; have you ever seen the ones...

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How Does Date Sugar Compare to Popular Sweetener Alternatives?

Date Sugar vs. Popular Sweetener Alternatives There is a growing interest in replacing sugars such as white, brown, beet, coconut, stevia, monk fruit, and maple sugar with date sugar, but what are its benefits? What makes it a truly appealing replacement and not just another option for bakers and cooks that are dealing with diet or allergy restrictions? Is there something about the taste of date sugar that heightens the recipe, or a consistency to it that rivals that of more traditional sugars? Perhaps. To begin with, however, date sugar is essentially finely powdered dates and as a consequence shares...

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5 White Sugar Alternatives to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

5 Sweetener Alternatives  Sugar has a bad wrap. It's often criticized for creating cravings, causing spikes in blood sugar, and contributing to inflammation. Therefore for some, it makes sense to limit consumption. For others, consuming carbs and natural sugars, even in abundance, are part of an active and healthy lifestyle. Both camps can usually agree that when you enjoy something sweet, it’s probably best if they are from less refined, whole food sources. However, is it really possible to make the switch to natural sugar alternatives and where should you start? Here are some of the most popular natural sweeteners...

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